Codename Determination

Privacy Policy


CODENAME Determination, which will also be referred to as “the game,” is a video game developed by Rei the Goat, also known as “Rei,” and will also be referred to as “the developer” and “I” (including other similar terms, such as “me”). This privacy policy is written to inform users of essential information about their data.

Questions and concerns should be emailed to [email protected].

This privacy policy will go over the following: 

  • User Acknowledgement
  • Third Parties
  • Data Collection
  • Details Into Data Usage
  • Data Storing
  • User’s Control Over Collected Data
  • Privacy Policy Updates
  • Contact

User Acknowledgement

First-time users will be displayed a popup in-game notifying them to read the CODENAME Determination privacy policy before playing it. A user is considered to acknowledge the privacy policy when click the “I Accept” button. If users do not wish to comply with the privacy policy, they should refrain from playing the game.

When the privacy policy changes, all users, including those that already accepted another version of the privacy policy, will be notified to read the revised policy and agree. A user is considered to acknowledge the revised privacy policy when they click the “I Accept” button 

Third Parties

CODENAME Determination uses third-party services to supply better user experiences and game functionality. Below are all third-party services used by CODENAME Determination and what the service provides. The user is subject to each third party’s privacy policy.

  • Epic Games Online Services from Epic Games Inc. – User authentication, multiplayer matchmaking, data synchronization
  • Unity Analytics from Unity Technologies – Analytic reporting, crash reporting, exception reporting

All data collected are never sold to third parties under any circumstances.

Third Parties

CODENAME Determination uses third-party services to supply better user experiences and game functionality. Below are all third-party services used by CODENAME Determination and what the service provides. The user is subject to each third party’s privacy policy.

Automatically Collected Information

Third parties may automatically collect information so that users will be subject to the third party’s privacy policy.
CODENAME Determination will automatically collect the following data as well as when: 

  • Public Internet Protocol (IP) Address – The user’s public address is collected automatically upon connecting to online services to communicate with the online servers. The user’s public address may also be attached to game crash and exception reports.
  • System Information – Information about the user’s device, including (but not limited to) operating system and specifications, will be collected upon a game crash or an exception occurrence.
  • Game Session Statistics – Information about the user’s current game session will begin being collected upon game start and will finish being collected when the user ends their game session. Data collected includes session playtime and event completion.

User-Provided Information

Specific features of CODENAME Determination will require collecting certain data from users. Users will supply these data themselves.
CODENAME Determination may be supplied the following data directly from the user: 

  • Messages – CODENAME Determination will collect chat messages from the user when the user gives those to send to other users in an online session. CODENAME Determination will also collect chat messages from other users in an online session.
  • Preferences – CODENAME Determination will synchronize preferences set by the user when the user saves those. Preferences include current character selection, favorite songs, and current game settings.

Third-Party Provided Information

  • Epic Games Account Information – When the user authenticates using Epic Games Online Services (EOS), CODENAME Determination will provide information about the user’s Epic Games account from EOS. CODENAME Determination will use information about the user’s Epic Games account to utilize EOS for the user.

Details into Data Usage

This policy section will go over detailed user data usage to supply complete transparency of how the collected data is used for CODENAME Determination.

Automatically Collected Information

  • Public Internet Protocol (IP) Address – The user’s public IP address is used to connect to online services. The user’s public IP address may also use when CODENAME Determination is performing a crash report submission or an automatic exception report due to collection requirements from Unity Analytics.
  • System Information Information about the user’s device or system is attached to crash and exception reports. This information is used only for diagnosing and resolving crashes and exception errors that may occur during gameplay and runtime.
  • Game Session Statistics – Information about the user’s current and past game sessions is automatically collected by CODENAME Determination. This information is used to provide insight into the behavior of users and their actions in CODENAME Determination, such as what song is popular, how long users play CODENAME Determination, and other gameplay information.

User-Provided Information

  • Messages – Messages are used to allow users in an online session to communicate. When the user sends a message, CODENAME Determination will collect the message and send the message to other users connected in the same online session. When the user receives messages in an online session, the messages will be collected by CODENAME Determination to be displayed to the user.
  • Preferences  Preferences allow users to save and restore preferences of settings for CODENAME Determination. Upon the user confirming that they wish to keep their importance, it will be held so the user may restore their preferences later. The user’s preferences can then be restored by the user on other CODENAME Determination clients if they wish.

Third-Party Provided Information

Information about the user’s Epic Games account is used for accessing Epic Games Online Services (EOS), which is needed to access the online services of CODENAME Determination. The user’s online username is also grabbed from the user’s Epic Games account.

Data Storing

Some data may be stored temporarily or permanently. Below are methods of how some data may be stored. Data not listed or described here are not stored in any way, shape, or form.

First-Party Stored

The data listed below are stored entirely on CODENAME Determination or developer-owned systems.

  • Messages – Chat messages are stored by CODENAME Determination temporarily on the user’s client. Chat messages are discarded as soon as the online session closes and will not be saved by CODENAME Determination.

Third-Party Stored

The following data listed below are collected by CODENAME Determination but stored entirely or partially by third-party services used by CODENAME Determination but not developer-owned. Note that these third-party services have their privacy policy, and every user is subject to it. Please review the service’s privacy policy to determine the data storage duration.

Stored By Unity Analytics

  • Public Internet Protocol (IP) Address
  • System Information
  • Game Session Statistics

Stored By Epic Games Online Services

  • Public Internet Protocol (IP) Address
  • System Information
  • Preferences
  • Epic Games Account Information

User's Control Over Collected Data

Users may request to delete or export data collected and stored by Unity Analytics and Epic Games Online Services. Users may send a data rights request via an online contact form. The form is available here. Alternatively, users may email [email protected] as an alternative contact form, but users are advised to use this method as a last-ditch effort. Requests will take up to a week to process completely.

Privacy Policy Updates

The developer, at times, will update the privacy policy of CODENAME Determination as it expands to provide further information about the transparency of data collection and use. Whenever the privacy policy is revised or updated, users will be notified by an in-game popup to inform them that a privacy policy change is underway. Users must then read and accept the revised privacy policy before playing.


Users should email [email protected] if they have any questions or concerns regarding the CODENAME Determination privacy policy.

© Copyright 2022 Rei the Goat. All Rights Reserved.